Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Usefulness of Celery

Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a leaf vegetable and medicinal plant commonly used as a spice in cooking. Several countries including Japan, China and Korea use part of the petiole as a food ingredient. In Indonesia, this plant was introduced by the Dutch colonialists and used the leaves for menyedapkan soup or as a salad. The use of celery is the most complete in Europe: leaf, petiole, fruit, and tubers all harnessed.


Celery is a versatile plant, mainly as a vegetable and medicine. For vegetables, leaves, leaf stems, and tubers as soup mix. The leaves are also used as a salad, or cut into small pieces and sprinkled on soup meatballs, soup, a variety of other soups, porridge or even chicken.
Celery (especially fruits) as medicine has been touted by Dioskurides and Theoprastus from Classical Greek and Roman times as "conditioning the stomach". Veleslavin (1596) warned not to consume too much celery because it can reduce milk. Celery is touted as an anti-hypertensive vegetables. Another function is as a laxative (diuretics), anti-rheumatic and hydropower appetite (karminativa). Tuber discount properties that are similar to the leaves but is also used as afrodisiaka (sexual arousal).
However, celery potential to cause allergies in some people who are sensitive. Patients with inflammatory ka'al not advisable to eat them.

Benefits and Indications

1. Nourish Hair
How: 7-10 Wash celery stalks thoroughly, then mash until smooth. After a shampoo, rub collision celery leaves into the scalp and hair evenly with a mild massage. Once done, wrap the hair with a towel for approximately 1 hour. Rinse your hair with clean water. Do it once a week.

2. Lowering Cholesterol
How: 30 grams of celery root Wash thoroughly, then boiled in 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain. The water is drunk.

3. Overcoming Allergies
How: Take 2 stalks celery, 3 carrots medium size, and 1 medium-size fruit bits tubers, washed, then juiced. The juice drink on an empty stomach at the same time. Do it twice a day.

4. Reduce Colic and Abdominal Pain
How: Take 60 grams of fresh celery, 1 vertebra finger red ginger, and a piece of palm sugar. Boil in 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After chilling filtered, the water is drunk all at once.

5. Relieves Cough
How: Wash 30 grams of fresh celery, then cut into pieces. Boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain. When you like, add honey. Use this mixture for two drinks, morning and afternoon.

6. Treat Bronchitis
How: Wash fresh celery 60 grams, 10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel, and 25 grams of brown sugar until clean. After being cut into pieces, put in the email the pan, add 3 cups water and boil until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and the water was divided to two drinks, morning and afternoon.

7. Lowering Blood Pressure
How: Wash 100 grams of celery whole thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add 1 cup of warm water, then filtered. Once cool, for to two drinks, breakfast and lunch.

8. Overcoming Dry Eye
How: Eating celery as a salad fresh. Do it every day.

9. Treat Arthritis

The trick: 30-40 Wash celery leaves, then flush with hot water. Eat as fresh vegetables. Do it twice a day.

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