Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fracture Plant Benefits For Health

Fracture plants are ornamental plant species originating from tropical Africa, who likes the outdoors exposed to direct sunlight. Plants fracture is a herbaceous plant, grows straight, 2,6m tall, woody base, much branched, gummy like milk poisonous. Stems after growth of around 1 inch will be forked lying crosswise, and so on so that it looks like branching broken.

 Broken bones have rounded cylindrical-shaped twig pencil, finely grooved lengthwise, green color .. The leaves are rare, found on the top branches of a young, small, oblong shape, the length of 7-25 mm, quickly fall. Flowers are the tip of the stem, in the form of compound interest are arranged in a bowl, the color is greenish yellow. The fruit when ripe will burst and throw out the seeds.

Besides being used as an ornamental plant, fractures can also be used as a medicinal plant. Chemical Ingredients plant sap fractures which are acidic in nature (acrid latex), containing compound euphorbone, taraksasterol, laktucerol, euphol, resin compound that causes a sharp sense of or damage to the mucous membranes, Kautschuk (rubbery substance), and bitter substances. Herba fractures containing glikosid, sapogenin and ellaf acid.

 In our country, especially the island of Java, stems or bark of this plant are believed to heal fractures like its name, as well as other skin diseases other than the sap can pull out the thorn that stuck. In addition, known in Indonesia, the plant fractures are also used in traditional healing for several diseases such as cancer, tumors, calluses, warts in Brazil, India, and Malaya. Plants that are diuretics (urine laxative) is also often used as one alternative treatment for a variety of kidney problems, and the sap can be used to cure a toothache.

Almost all parts of the plant fractures can be used for health. Roots and branches of plants fracture, for example, can cure stomach pain, arthritis, bone disease, syphilis (venereal disease caused by bacteria), hemorrhoids, ulcers of the nasal cavity, and nerve pain. While the wooden rod can cure skin diseases, leprosy, as well as numbness in the hands and feet area.

 How to Treat Diseases with plants Fracture

Leather thorn or broken glass. Parts of the body or the skin is pierced by a thorn or a glass we spread with sap fractures, fractures sap can remove thorns or glass by itself.

Calluses (Clavus) and warts. Take 1/2 kg of branches and twigs fractures. Once washed boiled with 4 liters of water until the water is reduced to 2 liters. Parts of the body or skin that has warts or calluses soaked in boiling water had broken bones in the warm for approximately 1/2 hour. After drying apply trusi param made from finely ground mixed with egg white, then bandaged.

Broken bones (fractures) to your broken bones (fractures) can use several ways, namely:

The skin over the fractured bone fractures rubbed with sap.

The outer skin is finely milled limb fractures, a broken bone above paste, then bandaged.

3/4 handheld stalks and leaves fractures, 1 handful srigi leaves, washed and finely ground. Squeeze with 4 tablespoons of salt water, warmed briefly. Used to plaster the broken parts of the body, then wrapped with lily leaves / bark cottonwoods. Replaced 2 x daily

For frambusi disease: prepare handheld fractures 1/2, 1/2 fist Smilax China, we washed and mash until smooth. Toss with 1 tablespoon of fruit sap kendondong and two tablespoons of papaya fruit sap. This herb we use to grease or plaster skin sore. Do it twice a day.

For drugs that big mole and itching. Moles we rub with lemon juice, then with cotton moles lubricated latex fractures. Perform this therapy benerapa times a day, when it is dry is repeated. Be careful not to hit the eye.

Tooth ache. Take a few drops of sap fractures with a clean swab, then we lumaskan on a sore tooth and hollow. Make ino therapy 1-2 times a day, being careful not to involve the teeth healthy.

Note: The sap fractures harmful to the eyes, it can cause blindness. When the sap fracture kemata enter a quick rinse with coconut water or coconut milk.

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